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Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010

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Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010 Empty Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010

Post by ChrisJNelson Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:20 pm


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Age : 37
Location : Atlanta, Georgia

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Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010 Empty ronnie brown

Post by finsfan Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:33 am

If brown agrees to play for less money that alows us to bring in sum better talent then keep him. If he whines for more money cut em and let him get hurt somewhere else!!


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Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010 Empty ronniebrownsretention

Post by d grim Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:35 am

Ithink MIami should keep him

d grim

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Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010 Empty RB

Post by BigWill Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:44 am

Hypothetical situation, if both McClain and Bryant are gone by the 12th, would you use it to get Spiller or do you think that`s to high for a RB? If not, what direction would you go?


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Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010 Empty Re: Miami Dolphins Decline RB Ronnie Brown's Option for 2010

Post by ChrisJNelson Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:17 pm

BigWill wrote:Hypothetical situation, if both McClain and Bryant are gone by the 12th, would you use it to get Spiller or do you think that`s to high for a RB? If not, what direction would you go?

Miami has the most expensive offensive line in football, and they are easily one of the best. Our line makes the back to a large extent, and I have no desire to use a first-round pick on that position. Spiller would be nice luxury to have as an offensive and special teams playmaker, but we have to many other needs to go that route.

If McClain and Bryant are gone, I'd be okay with one of the OLBs (Kindle or JPP) or a trade down. I consider Earl Thomas and Dan Williams last resorts.

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Join date : 2009-12-27
Age : 37
Location : Atlanta, Georgia

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